Resistance Training For Women

Many women these days are into resistance training. Those that get into resistance training programs are usually already engaging in some kind of sports. Resistance training is important for women. It allows you to be dynamic, active and have a healthy body. You may also achieve the needed strength and physically built muscles.

Know The Proper Way Of Performing An Exercise

Before you begin lifting weights, you should be familiar with the proper ways on how to carry out the exercise. Many women encounter injuries when they try to lift weights improperly. It is essential that you get rid first of the excess or surplus weight of your body that you have by walking or jogging. You could also buy weight loss equipment such as treadmills and platinum cross bar or read nutrition book guides for a proper work out and better health.

Women Posses Different Muscle Structure Compared To Men

Women typically do not have the normal muscle structure that most men have. They may not also have the equivalent strength to carry heavy loads or the same resistance that men have. What more if you grow older? Your body may perhaps no longer have the similar strength when you were still young. This happens because of the lifestyle you encompass or just because of aging process. Your resistance possibly will decrease and your body will likely to weaken as well.

Resistance Training Can Benefit Your Body

You can benefit tremendously when you get into resistance training. Even if you are not a sports person or a bodybuilding enthusiast, you can still get into resistance training programs. Having an active and energetic body with well-toned muscles can provide you more vigour, strength and good resistance. You can also do various workouts outdoor like walking or jogging to achieve a better blood circulation for your entire body.

- Do Stretching And Warm Up Exercises First

You can do some stretching and warm up exercises to let the blood nutrients go to the muscles and joints of your body. Muscle stretching also assists in lowering the risks of injuries and muscle pains after the work out. Muscles have a tendency to sore and get tensed and strained if you are not adequately warmed-up with proper stretching techniques before the work out.
In addition, muscle stretching also provides you more flexibility. You will be able to carry out exercises comfortably and effectively. It is advisable that you perform repetitive stretching and warm ups. Repetitions of exercises make your muscles and joints stronger and flexible and more adapted to the motion you are executing.

- Lifting Weights Targeting Different Muscle Groups

When you are all set to lift weights, you should initially work on your larger muscles then the smaller ones. You may after that go to the muscles that are isolated. You can perform push-ups that can improve and enhance the upper muscles of the body. Before undertaking triceps extension exercises, you should first focus on the larger muscle groups such as the muscle found in your butt. You can perform exercises like repetitive squatting, box step-ups and lunges.

- Repetitive Squatting And Lunges Exercises

You can also work on your quads which is the muscle located on the front thigh. You may perform repetitive squatting and lunges too. You can also use the leg extension machine and the leg press machine for a good and an effective work out exercise.

- Proper Balanced Muscle Toning Exercises

You should at all times remember to work on the opposite muscles. Muscles tend to get imbalanced especially if the amounts of exercises you do are not uniformly distributed. When performing triceps extension, it is recommended that you also do bicep exercises. If you work out and train on the chest and the stomach area like crunches, it is essential that you do back extension exercises to get a balanced upper muscle toning.

Always take a rest after your resistance training work out. Allow your muscles to cool gradually so that you will not suffer any sore or strained muscles. After the resistance training, you will see that you are more prepared and physically fit for the various types of sports.

The Benefits Of Cardio Training And Exercise

In a long-term study and research of the health of the people in the United States, the U.S. Public Health Service documented the chances of developing heart disease among the various groups in the population. Long before the any symptoms or signs appeared, epidemiological research can help to identify high-risk groups.

Among the highest risk factors for the population are male sex, age over 35, cigarette smoking, suffering from high blood pressure, have high levels of certain blood fats, and have a family history of cardiovascular disorders.

Other researchers have added to this list other risk factors: the compulsive, hard-driving, highly anxious personality. The greater the degree of severity, the greater the person’s overall risk.
These threats to the heart can be divided into two main groups: those beyond individual control, such as age, sex, and heredity, and those with factors that can be controlled, avoided, or even eliminated. Among those in the second group are what cardiologists call “the triple threat.” These threats are the high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you frequently smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, your risk of having a heart disease is twice that of a non smoker. If you smoke, suffering from hypertension, and eat a diet high in fats without any regular exercise at all, your risk is five times greater than normal.

How To Keep Our Heart Strong And Healthy

If these risk factors or threats endanger the heart’s health, then what will enhance its well-being and improves its odds of working long and well?

Obviously, quitting cigarettes smoking and eating a low-fat diet will help. The next best thing you can do for your heart’s sake is to provide what it needs, that is, regular exercise or a complete cardio training.

The heart is a muscle, or, more precisely, a group or “package” of muscles, quite similar in many ways to the muscles of the arms and legs. And just as regular exercises help to strengthen and improve limb muscles, it enhances the overall health of the heart muscles as well.

Since World War II, several large-scale statistical studies and research have evaluated the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular disease. One well-known survey made a comparison between 31,000 drivers and conductors of some bus companies. The more sedentary bus drivers had a significantly higher rate of heart disease than the bus conductors, who walked around the buses and climbed stairs to the upper level.

Cardio Training And Exercise Helps Improve Blood Circulation

The why and how behind these statistics were gathered explained by conducting experiments with dogs whose coronary arteries were surgically narrowed to resemble those of humans with arteriosclerosis. Dogs who were put on an exercise regiment had much better blood flow than those kept inactive.

The exercise regiment seemed to stimulate the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so dogs that exercised had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart. The human heart reacts similarly to provide blood to the portion that was damaged by the heart attack.

To enable and facilitate the damaged heart muscle to heal, the heart relies on new small blood vessels for what is known as collateral circulation. These new branches on the arterial tress can develop long before a possible heart attack — and can prevent a heart attack if the new network takes on sufficient function of the narrowed vessels.

Cardio Training And Exercise Can Help Prevent Heart Disease

With all these facts, it brings us to a single important question: What should be done in order to prevent heart disease.

Some studies showed that moderate exercise several sessions a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice often. The general rule is that regular exercise helps reduce the risk of harm to the heart. Some researches further attested the link between regular exercise and healthy heart based from the findings that the non-exercisers had a 49% higher risk of heart attack than the other people included in the study. The study attributed a third of that risk to people who lead sedentary lifestyle alone.

Hence, with regular cardio training and exercises, you can absolutely expect positive results not just on areas that concerns your cardiovascular system but also the overall condition of your health as well.

Benefits Of Regular Cardio Training And Exercise

Consequently, the benefits of merely engaging on regular cardio training and exercises can bring you more positive results that you have ever expected. These are:

  1. The threats of heart attack are lessened
  2. Enhanced heart condition
  3. Increase metabolism, increase the chance of burning calories, therefore, assist you in losing weight
  4. Improves and enhances lung capacity
  5. Helps lessen the cases of stress

Indeed, cardio training and exercise is the modern way of creating a healthy, happy heart and body.

The Benefits Of Doing Cardio Training

Being physically fit and healthy is the in thing. In reality, keeping oneself fit really never goes out of style. Our body is the most valuable asset one could have in your lifetime. Thus it is very important that you take very good care of it. Give it the proper care and attention it needs.
When it comes to keeping and maintaining our health, one of the best option is to do physical cardio training.

What Is Cardio Training?

Cardio training involves any physical activity that requires the use of the large muscle groups of our body in a regular and consistent manner. It elevates our heart rate between 60 to 85 percent of the fastest heart rate one could get.

Some of the usual cardio training activities and exercises include walking, jogging, running, aerobics, skipping, cycling, swimming and rowing. Cardio training is also considered as an aerobic exercise as one is required to move from one exercise to another.

What Are The Benefits Of Cardio Training?

  • Gives Energy To The Body
    You can expect more energy and higher endurance and stamina after some time of regular cardio training.

  • Prevents Diseases
    One could prevent heart diseases, like heart attack, with regular cardio training and exercises. It is also very effective in preventing other variety of diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension and even high cholesterol. Consistent cardiovascular training strengthens our heart and lungs. The low to moderate type of cardio trainings and exercises are required for people seeking to strengthen oneself and prevent diseases. Examples of low to moderate type of cardio exercises include walking, brisk walking or jogging.

  • Control Your Weight
    With regular cardio training, one is able to burn more calories. This will help those who need and desire to lose weight. While for those who already attained their ideal body mass, cardio training will make it easier to control their weight.
    Regular cardio training helps to burn calories. However this generally depends on your current weight and the kind of cardio exercises you are undergoing. It is always advisable to consult this matter with your physician or physical trainer, to know and understand the proper type of training that is most suitable for your needs.

  • Lose Body Fats
    Some people do not have problems with their weight. However, there may be some excess fats, around their belly especially, that may keep bothering them. Regular cardio training will help in getting rid of those unwanted fats. The activities involve the movements of large muscle groups of our body. Regular exercises and training will make you fitter and leaner.

  • Get Rid Of Boredom
    Cardio training can be fun. It pumps up your body system. You will definitely make you feel more energized and keep you on the go.

Tips To Better Enjoy The Benefits Of Cardio Training

Cardio training is important when you want to improve your general health. For beginners, it is best to do about 30 to 45 minutes of exercises, 3 to 5 days a week. If you goal is to achieve weight loss, it is advisable to do the training consistently for 5 days a week. The more frequent you do it; the more likelihood you will lose weight. However, one must always avoid exhausting oneself too much in exercise. Avoid going more than 45 minutes. Remember, it has to be done on a regular basis.

Start today. Walk or cycle your bike around the neighborhood. Follow that aerobic video you purchased recently. Set a goal, stay focus and follow that goal. At the same time, modify your daily diet too. Eat healthy food that will help you stay lean and fit.

Increase The Intensity Of Your Cardio Training Gradually

As your fitness level increase over time, the intensity of your training must also increase. This is to have variations and there should always be room for improvement. Implement this by intensifying some parts of your physical training. If you are into jogging or running, increase your speed every 5 minutes for at least a minute or two. It is essential that you challenge yourself, so as not to be stuck in a stump. But never push yourself beyond your limit.

Avoid Cardio Training Before Bedtime

Avoid doing the cardio exercises before bedtime. You will have difficulty sleeping if you do so as the energy level of your body will still stay high for sometime.
If you are undergoing weight training too, it is better to do the cardio exercises right after, not before.

Proper Meals Before Cardio Training

It is best to take a light snack 30 minutes before doing the cardio exercises. Do not start your training with an empty stomach. This will cause disturbance in achieving the proper momentum when you train. At the same time, one should always avoid indulging in large meals before exercise. Just give your body the proper and sufficient supply it will need to sustain exhausting movements.

Better To Do Cardio Training Outdoors

It is good if you can do the cardio exercises outdoors. This way you can easily interact with nature and breathe in more fresh air. You can also simply go around enjoying the scenery of your neighborhood as you get your body system healthier by the minute. It is also possible to make some friends among the people who also do their regular exercises.

Remember to be consistent, stay focus and stick with the training once you have started it. This is the only way that cardio training and exercises will benefit your body and your health in the long run.